| News Comment | Everything’s premier, except the league — awaydays at 13:56:58
"For the unsuspecting weary traveller awaiting the post-Burnley Saturday night train back from Preston to London, the revelation that every song ever composed can have Richard Dunne's name crowbarred into it was a worrying development." Great stuff as ever Clive. There was talk a while ago about these being compiled for a book.... Any progress? |
 | News Comment | Thank you Derry much — Open All R’s Podcast at 19:32:13
Just finished listening to this, and agree with QPRFish. Shaun Derry will go down as a legend of the modern era of QPR, and the perfect antithesis to the overpaid, under-performing, and overly self-regarding types that constitute the average premier-league footballer. |
 | News Comment | Out of darkness cometh light at 20:50:19
"Then I sat – open mouthed and hard of cock" Had to double check which of my favourites i'd logged onto when i read this |
 | News Comment | FArce hangs over final day celebrations — full match preview at 08:48:24
As ever I think you've captured the mood perfectly there Clive. Thanks for all your work this season. At times like these when everyone is confused and angry (seems to be a fairly regular feature of supporting this club of ours) it's good to have your articles around to help make some kind of sense of it all. |
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