| Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 17:58 13 Feb 2021
No squirming here my deleting comments friend. And zero astonishment either. And the day i take posting advice from you, will be the day that hell freezes over. You won't ever see me delete a single comment, let alone 20 or 30 at a time. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 17:42 13 Feb 2021
I don't know, but because i read and post on this board pretty much every day, and taking the knee has had massive discussions on here, and in my opinion (that bit is important) the majority on here do not approve of taking the knee. A few have already made their views in this thread, there are plenty of others who have yet to comment. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 17:23 13 Feb 2021
Who said anyone would object to the post, you're making things up again. It's absolutely your problem that you want it to read the way you do. I was crystal clear as to why it wouldn't go down well here, couldn't have been any clearer. You don't get to decide what is meant when somebody tells you what they meant. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 17:06 13 Feb 2021
"Suggesting that an anti racism thread won't go down well on here is pretty much accusing the majority here of being racist. That's how it looks." That's how you want it to look. Along the same lines as what Tref is angling at i think. In my 2nd or 3rd post in this thread, i quite clearly state why i thought it wouldn't go down well. If you then chose to think it means something else, then that is your issue not mine. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 16:43 13 Feb 2021
Perhaps I'm even duller than i thought i was. With respect, would you explain to me what i am doing, other than offering a different opinion to some. You made a sweeping statement about make believe sweeping statements. There are two hefty'ish threads at the top of this board, could you point out where people have been called racists in them. I'll check back in after the rugby |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 14:51 13 Feb 2021
You'll get one reply from me. What you quoted there, has absolutely nothing to do with my posts in this thread. I have heard the excuse which you quoted, time and time again. In fact, i think one poster even went on to say more or less what i said. It has nothing to do with my posts in this thread. But same as with loyal making nonsense comparisons, if it gives power to your elbow, you crack on. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 14:38 13 Feb 2021
I'll leave you get on with it, because nobody has been shouting racists. You can take this as you have outfoxed me, or proven something to yourself if you wish. Enjoy your day part II. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 14:27 13 Feb 2021
It's quite clear what i meant as explained to someone else. You can twist it to mean whatever you want, but it won't change the fact that my point was that taking the knee is not liked on here. |
 | Forum Reply | Dhanda Racist Abuse at 14:20 13 Feb 2021
Same as what I'm doing in the other thread then. Glad we agree now. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 14:14 13 Feb 2021
As i said, I'd prefer to listen to the footballers who have come out and said why they are doing it, rather than fans on a football forum. Surely they would know why they are doing it? Agreed, let's end it all. |
 | Forum Reply | Dhanda Racist Abuse at 14:05 13 Feb 2021
No they didn't, they fell into the trap that he set. He'd lay a little bit of bait, then he uses their replies for ever and a day, like some sort of victim, He's always done it. |
 | Forum Reply | A message from a fan from abused by the far right at 14:03 13 Feb 2021
When you say connected? What happened in America was the latest catalyst for players trying to make a stand against racism. They used the terminology of Black Lives Matter. There endeth the connection. If you want to tell the countless UK football players who have said that they are doing to make a stand against racism, as opposed to supporting the BLM movement, then that's up to you. But surely you would take their word for why they are doing it. I am anyway. |
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