Home >Story Index> So Where Are We Going To Finish Then? |
First off when I looked at the table, it shows us in 13th place after last night's games with a highest possible finish of 2nd and a lowest of 24th. This is, of course assuming that maximum or no points at all are obtained. You and I both know that this will not happen but it is worth thinking about. |
Then I took the points that everyone has at the moment and multiplied them out for every team over the course of a 46 game season and it shows us finishing the season on 57 points and lying in 14th place in the league. To achieve automatic promotion at the moment, I am predicting that you will need 79 points and that to reach the play-offs you will need 70. |
The maximum number of points that we can achieve at the moment is 73 so that makes automatic promotion out of our range and the play offs a near impossibility unless we win a minimum of 8 of our remaining 9 games or to put it another way, 12 wins and 2 draws from the final 15 that we will play. |
Of course, these targets will change as the final games are played but this gives you an indication of what we will need to do. Nick Cusack has asked for a Top 10 finish this season. This is within our grasp but again it is a challenging as at the moment, 10th place is predicted at 67 points. 22 points out of the last 27 needed there. |
Looking at the reverse end of the table, Halifax are doomed it seems. The predictors say that they will finish the season with 33 points, and with the club above them, Torquay, already having 36, it looks as if you could class them as down unless they start pushing very hard from now on in and I just can't see them improving their results. |
Have a look at the table on the following page and it should be relatively self explanatory. I have looked at the maximum points a team can get with their highest and lowest possible position. Then there is the predicted points and position for each team together with the number of points that they need to secure if they are to be promoted or make the play-offs. |
The general summary at the moment says that Plymouth could effectively be promoted next week and have already secured a play-off spot by some margin. And for anyone to catch the current top 3 it will take a run of results between now and April 20 that seems very unlikely. |
I will update this table and send to Phil for reproduction as the season goes on and if it proves popular then I will look at bringing it in next season as well. |
Take a look at the Tables of Predictions |
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