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Chances Created in the Premier League. Sigurdsson is currently #1
at 07:56 12 Oct 2018

Net spend in the Premier League since June 2014
at 20:46 30 Apr 2018

Since Laudrup left we've been at or around the bottom of every table, whether it's the league table, net spend, goals scored, chances created, shots on target, goals conceded, etc. Utterly pathetic all around.
Kaplan and Levien now own 3 sports teams that are all in last place
at 01:19 1 Jan 2018

1. DC United, which Levien owns and is the managing director of. They recently finished tied for last place in the 22 team MLS and scored the fewest number of goals. Last place, least amount of goals--talk about a parallel to us.

2. Memphis Grizzlies, which Kaplan owns and is the Vice Chairman of. Currently dead last in the Western Conference of the NBA.

3. And of course, us. Dead last in the EPL and like DC United, also dead last when it comes to goals scored.

This is a new low in sports ownership history. Never before has an individual or a group of individuals who owned 2 or more clubs ever had them all in last place like this. And these blokes own 3. Congrats on the accomplishment you stupid cvnts. It takes a special kind of incompetence and uselessness to achieve such a task, and somehow you two managed it.

What sticks out for me most is with the other football team they own besides ours, DC United, which has gone down a very similar path to SCFC since Levien took them over back in 2012. It's eerie almost in the similarities. In his first full season as owner in 2013 DC United finished dead last, and in every year of his ownership they've been in the bottom 4 of the league in terms of wage bills. And just like us, Levien has not put a cent into the club. Looking at DC United fans talk about their ownership on social media and on their message board, it's strikingly reminiscent of ours, with their supporters expressing utter hopelessness and frustration about how club brass don't give two fvcks about the club, how they only care about making money, and how even the bare minimum isn't being put in. Have a look at DC United's transfer spending sheet year by year, it's one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. In 6 years of ownership Levien has spent just £4.6m on players, and they had THREE SEASONS WHERE THEY DIDN'T EVEN SPEND A SINGLE DOLLAR ON PLAYERS:

Levien has ran to the press and postured about how desperate he is to spend and win though. Check out what he said back in April 2013. The team would end up spending £0 on players that season:

“We are willing to spend what it takes to be competitive at the upper echelons of the league,” he said. “The revenue streams are still not there, but while we are mindful of that, we want to win. And we owe it to our fans and our own competitive nature to assemble a roster that can compete with anyone in the league.”


Sound familiar? That's because it is. Remember what Levien said in his first conference after the takeover about how willing he was to spend, bragging endlessly about his "financial resources," how he wanted to "make a splash," and how we were no longer going to be a selling club or a club that players used as a stepping stone?:

"We will be relentless in our determination to continually improve this club - and we have the financial resources to do so. We will be competitive and we will outwork our opponents on the pitch and in the boardroom."

"We want to build a football club that is competitive...perhaps Swansea has been seen as a stepping-stone club for some players in the past, a chance to show what they can do in the Premier League before moving quickly on. Those days are over."

“I think Huw has a tremendous football mind and he’s proven that over more than a decade. We want to make sure Huw and the club have the resources to succeed. We want to make a splash."

But wait, it gets even worse. Let's not forget Levien also said the following:

"Steve and I have both said our first, second and third priority is what's going to help us on the pitch short and long-term."

"Our message to fans is we are very focused on winning and continued success."

"The biggest thing of all is that when we go out on that pitch we're competitive."

"It's something that I love, something that drives me to be involved in sports - you're in the game to win the game and that's why we're here."

We recognise this club means so much to so many people and we take the responsibility as owners very seriously. While we plan on being long-term owners we know the team belongs to the community. In essence, we see ourselves as guardians of the club but it belongs to the fans of Swansea City. One thing we want to be clear about is our priorities as owners. Priority number one, two and three is the performance of the team on the pitch. We will field a competitive team that will battle every week against the greatest teams and players in the world. We know there is always a sense of fear and trepidation when new owners arrive on the scene but we will do everything in our power to win your trust and ensure there is a long and bright future for Swansea City.

Given all this, and with Kaplan and Levien's utterly horrendous track record when it comes to sports ownership, it is absolutely appalling why Jenkins would sell to these two, especially when he's babbled so much over the years about how he wants to ensure Swansea City is in the right hands and continues to move forward when he eventually leaves. It's especially perplexing when you take into account that he had turned down John Jay Moores' attempt to purchase us, someone who actually has a somewhat successful history of owning a team with the San Diego Padres, which he owned from 1994 to 2008. How he could turn down Moores, or anyone really, for these two con men is absolutely incredible. My only guess is that Moores' offer did not include a guarantee he would stay on as chairman and remain in power like K&L's offer, and that Moores was looking to replace him with a proper DoF should he have taken over.
[Post edited 1 Jan 2018 10:06]
Guess that's Pulis in then
at 20:21 20 Dec 2017

All the Yanks want is to keep us in the Premier League until they can sell us for a profit in a few years. They wouldn't bat an eye if we finished 17th every season playing the most unpalatable and unwatchable football.

The only thing Pulis is good for is keeping your team up.
Koeman is available yet we want Tony fvcking Pulis?
at 21:07 8 Dec 2017

What the hell is going on with this football club? There's just no end to the madness and insanity is there.

If it were up to me I'd sack Clement right now and replace him with Koeman. With the January window coming up, it's imperative that a manager is able to get the players he wants in and out. Koeman did absolute wonders in the transfer market with Saints, signing the likes of Sadio Mane, Pelle, Forster, van Dijk, Wanyama, Cedric Soares, Romeu, Austin, Tadic, Bertrand, etc. He was an absolute magician. From 2014-2016 no one did better in the transfer market than he did.

In all likelihood though what will probably happen is we'll have a sh*t January window (as usual) that does little if anything to strengthen the squad, Clement expectedly gets sacked as results don't improve, and with the window closed and a squad full of crap that no manager wants to touch with a 10 foot pole, we're left with Leon Britton as our interim manager as we go down.
[Post edited 8 Dec 2017 21:09]
We broke the record for fewest shots on target after 15 games played (since '04)
at 08:47 3 Dec 2017

And the crazy thing is it's not even close. The team in 2nd (13/14 Sunderland) has 10 more than we do. Even the 2008 Derby team that finished with the lowest point total in EPL history has more.

At this point not only are we the worst team in the Premier League but we're setting ourselves up for one of the worst seasons in league history. God only knows how much further we'll fall. Forget going down. At this point I'd just be glad if we can better that 2008 Derby side in goals scored (20) and points accumulated.
Funny how the bottom 2 clubs are both owned by American hedge fund managers
at 20:19 18 Nov 2017

19. Swansea City - Kaplan/Levien
20. Crystal Palace - Harris/Blitzer

Who knew running a football club wasn't like owning a stock and you can't just sit on it, wait for it to increase in value, and then sell for a profit. Unfortunately this is exactly what our current owners thought. I have it on good knowledge that both Jason Levien and Steve Kaplan thought they could just waltz in, let their "brilliant football mind" Jenkins (as Levien called him) handle everything, and then sell for a nifty profit in 5 years--though they were hoping for less. In their minds they thought they had an easy, short-term flip on their hands.

This is what happens when your club gets bought by vulture, I mean venture capitalists. The treat football clubs like they're a private equity security and think you can somehow get by by investing fvck all.

It'll hurt if we go down--something that's looking more and more likely by the minute--but if there's one consolation it's that these bloodsuckers will not get to realize their goal of selling us for profit. Rather, and even better, they'll have a catastrophic loss on their hands, one that will be rapidly depreciating. The amount in value that a club loses from getting relegated is impossible to overstate.
Reminder: We paid a £7.65m loan fee for Renato Sanches
at 17:28 21 Oct 2017

Fantastic job by our DoF Huw Jenkins yet again when it comes to negotiating prices.

This is even higher than the loan fees paid by Chelsea and Man U when they got Falcao, over twice more than the one Everton paid when they got Lukaku on loan and over three times more than the fee Palace paid for Sakho.

Proper remarkable stuff. Bayern must be laughing all the way to the bank.
Overreaction? I think not.
at 21:18 13 Jul 2017

I don't know if you lads remember, but around the same time last year in July we lost to a Mickey Mouse team in the US by the name of Richmond Kickers. At the time they were a semi-professional American division III side.

Just like with the loss to Barnet this week, people here were saying that it was just preseason, that we shouldn't be overreacting, and that everything is going to be fine. Low and behold, just a few months later, our manager gets sacked, and we end up at the very bottom of the league with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel.

Preseason or not, there is NO REASON, I repeat, no reason why we should be losing to a team that finished in the bottom half of fvcking League Two. We're a Premier League club for Christ's sake. There is no excuse for this, and it's clear that a lot of work needs to be done, upgrades need to be made, and a lot of deadwood needs to be shipped out.

I can't help but think this loss may have factored into Sigurdsson's decision to stay home and reconsider his future. Why stay at a club owned by greedy fvcks with zero ambition and one that just lost to a League Two side, especially when the most steadily rising club in the Premier League is after you, one that is in the top 7 and will remain there, will play in Europe next season, and who has a new billionaire owner that has backed up his desire to be in the Champions League with both his actions and his wallet? Ever since he took over last year Farhad Moshiri has been one of the most ambitious owners in the UK, and Everton's expenditures prove that.
[Post edited 13 Jul 2017 21:22]
Please get Leigh Dineen out of this club
at 16:26 10 Jul 2017

This is the last time he has disgraced our club and made us look like a complete laughing stock by mouthing off on social media. Before a bid for Sigurdsson was even accepted or a transfer request handed, much less a deal formally done and announced this cretin somehow felt the need to tweet this:

For the last 13 years our club has built teams that can compete or move forward.We sell and we buy.No reason to worry that this will change.

– leigh dineen (@leighdineen) July 9, 2017

And then, to make matters worse, he retweeted this:

All from Leigh ""I don't comment on transfers, never have and never will" Dineen.

Frankly this presents problems on multiple fronts. As vice chairman he should be privy to the latest knowledge of all the ins and outs of the clubs, not the least of which our transfer dealings. How was he so certain and so adamant that Sigurdsson was gone when news reports today reiterated the club owners' to keep him and slapped a £50m price tag on him to defer potential buyers?? Is that guy not in tune with what's going on in the club or is the communication and disconnect between the ownership and the club executives really this bad??

Media outlets and Everton fans alike literally took Dineen's tweets and retweets as confirmation the Sigurdsson was theirs, and I don't blame them. Have a look around social media and Everton forums like GrandOldTeam and Toffee Talk--Dineen convinced everyone Siggy was gone.

This is seriously the last time he has brought out club into disrepute by opening his fat mouth. How much longer are we going to allow him to steal a living and rape our club? Why is he still here? What is he good for? It was stupid enough to let a vending machines supply vendor be in charge of all the commercial operations of a Premier League club, and it was to the surprise of absolutely no one as we ranked among dead last in commercial revenue year after year with him in charge. The only thing stupider is how he is still around.
[Post edited 10 Jul 2017 16:27]
Jordi Amat has joined Real Betis on loan
at 18:12 7 Jul 2017

Hopefully when its all said and done we can get back the £2m we paid for him next year. He's a nice lad and I have nothing against him but he's just not good enough for the Premiership.
Full contract and transfer details of Gomis' move to Galatasaray
at 14:55 30 Jun 2017

By law, all transfers and contracts in Turkish football have to be registered and publically disclosed on KAP, which is basically Turkey's equivalent of Companies House.

It states that Galatasaray paid approximately €2.5m to buy Gomis from us. As far as his wages go, he signed a 3 year contract worth €3,350,000 per year (equal to €64.4k a week), in addition to a €2,500,000 signing on fee, a €200,000 bonus every time Galatasaray wins the Turkish league, and a €5,000 bonus for every point that Galatasaray gains in the league or UEFA competitions. So every time Galatasaray wins, he gets €15,000.

To summarize, Gomis stays getting paid. This wealthy fvck fleeced us for God knows how much over 3 years. Now, even at 31, he's set to make big bucks yet again.
[Post edited 30 Jun 2017 14:58]
Marcelino appointed as new manager of Valencia
at 12:46 12 May 2017

I said it before here but I'll say it again: he should have been the one to replace Guidolin.

It really is a travesty how he was interviewed by somehow Bradley was chosen over him (Christ). It was an absolute no brainer. Personally, if I was Levien or Kaplan I wouldn't have even wasted time with an interview and just hired him as soon as Guidolin was gone. In 3 1/2 seasons this guy fvcking got Villarreal promoted, recruited wonderfully despite being on a shoestring budget, and lead them to two 6th place finishes before leading them to 4th (Champions League!) last season, all while playing wonderful football.

It's worth stating that we came up against his Villarreal side once, albeit in a friendly. As you may remember, his lads thoroughly bossed ours, and they won 3-0:

We had a chance to appoint one of the best young managers in the game today and we completely blew it. If we do end up getting relegated and it does turn out that Clement was not the right guy to keep us up, then we will live to sorely regret this decision, perhaps even more than Jenkins' decision to turn down Koeman for Monk.
Why do we always have to get fvcked by the refs when it comes to penalties?
at 17:13 25 Feb 2017

Every season we go through this shit. We get clear pens that don't get called and/or the other team gets pens that they clearly didn't deserve. In all 6 of the seasons we've been in in the Premier League now there hasn't been a single one where I didn't lose count of all the bad penalty decisions against us. Especially when it comes to being awarded penalties.

Ridiculous how in the beginning of our PL days idiots kept saying that it was "going to all even out." That's sure happened hasn't it??

I just saw the replay and it clearly hit Azpilicueta's arm, which was completely in an unnatural position. Incredible that dickhead Swarbrick didn't call it.

And did any else catch that giant grin of his after the 2nd goal? Have a look:

What was that all about? He was walking around smiling like the girl who he'd been after since the primary school days finally accepted his advances or something.
[Post edited 28 Feb 2017 12:38]
Mike Dean is such a piece of shit ref
at 15:43 5 Feb 2017

We should have fvcking had 2-3 free kicks in the last 4 minutes. One of them was an absolute stonewall foul in which Stones pushed off Narsingh after he had nutmegged him near the edge of the box, but for some reason Dean signaled no foul and let play continue. Instead of getting a free kick at Siggy's sweet spot we got nothing.

Then Dean inexplicably called a foul on Narsingh on the right wing in which Narsingh had gotten to the ball fairly and had acres of space to run in to. I just looked at the replay of it and it was even more ridiculous than I thought--Narsingh hardly touched Kolarov. It was a particularly brutal call for us as Kolarov fell down and had Dean not blew his whistle Narsingh would have miles of space in front of him and Borja to his left with just Clichy to beat. Seconds later we concede the goal.

I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but Siggy got booked after Jesus scored. He was absolutely livid, and I don't blame him. If I was on the pitch playing for Swansea it would have been incredibly hard not to punch this cvnt in the face.

It's really no wonder why Dean is so criticized and attracts so much controversy. He's an abomination of a ref and it's 100% true that he always favours the big teams. We just saw it today.
Now that the transfer window is over...
at 11:26 2 Feb 2017

How do you think we did?

Personally I'm not entirely convinced we did enough to stay up. At all. This squad is still in desperate need of a defensive midfielder, a new right back, and a centre back.

If we couldn't afford to buy another player, then surely we could have at least gotten some guy(s) in on loan? With those around us fighting to stay up all strengthening their squads relentlessly and bringing in a multitude of upgrades, it's all very disappointing. We learned the hard way what happens when you sit idly by in the summer and do nothing as the rest of the league improves their teams. This January window was the last chance we had at correcting all the inactivity and incompetence that occurred in the summer. But as it stands there's every chance that we made the same mistake yet again.
[Post edited 5 Feb 2017 7:53]
Pablo Insua
at 06:03 31 Jan 2017

Marca is saying that we have agreed a deal to loan him in for a loan fee of €1m. He's a 23 year old centre half currently playing for the newly promoted and 17th placed Leganes, on loan from Deportivo:

Not unlike many of our targets, this one is quite puzzling. Insua is a lad with hardly any top flight experience (to date he's only had 29 starts in the top flight) and was relegated before with Deportivo in 2013. We need someone decent and proven, not a young prospect who is FAR from ready to being thrown in the deep end. Did we not already make this mistake when we signed Alfie Mawson?

It looks like Jenkins is merely going with the dirt cheap option yet again, this time to appease the hoards of fans screaming for a centre back.
[Post edited 31 Jan 2017 14:09]
There was never any investment, and nor will there ever be any.
at 09:49 15 Jan 2017

What we must realize about these new owners is that they're capitalists. They make their money buying up stocks, doing nothing but sitting on them, and then selling them for a profit. They have yet to put a single penny into this club, and nor will they ever will.

If it has not been already damningly apparent, this club is just like another stock purchase to them. Whether it's tech, pharmaceuticals, or alternative energy, capitalists are always looking to exploit the latest and greatest craze, and unfortunately for us, the latest craze for predatory investors is football.

Let's not making it anything but crystal clear: Levien and Kaplan thought this was going to be easy. They thought it would just be like any other of their previous investments, and the plan was always to sit back and watch as the skyrocketing TV deals increased the value of SCFC year after year before selling for a nifty profit. I have it on good authority that Levien has already made more trips to the UK in 6 months than he had imagined he would make in a few years as owner. As we have already seen, he along with the rest of his scumbag partners thought they could just buy the club and do nothing but defer to Huw Jenkins to ensure that the Premier League club they had bought stayed one. After the takeover, Levien gushed about how he had watched A Jack to a King, how he was amazed at how well run this club is, and how incredible the guy at the helm (Jenkins) is, claiming that all of our successes post Petty era was down to him, and even referred to Jenkins as a "tremendous football mind."

No doubt it has since hit him as clean as a knockout punch from Mike Tyson how hysterically wrong he was about Jenkins and his ability to run a football club, as too his own ability (or complete lack of) to own and preside over a team. These new owners have seriously, and I mean seriously underestimated just how difficult it is to run a club in the Premier League and what is required to keep a club in the top flight. Unfortunately though, these revelations have clearly not hit hard enough, as Jenkins remains at the helm and our transfer business remains inadequate as ever.

Nevertheless, do not buy these owners frequent talk about how they plan on being "long term owners"--it is just pure and utter bullshit, just like the all the rest of their statements. Venture capitalists never ever stick around for the long term, and if you ask me, Levien had let it slip just how "long" he wanted to stick around here during his first press conference, when he said that his goal was for the club "to be in a better place in five years." No doubt that is the time him and his partners were planning on exiting after having sold us for a nice profit.

Their message in yesterday's programme against Arsenal, where they once again disparaged the supporters and even deflected the blame from their own disasters onto us, was a pathetic attempt and a downright insulting plea to the fans to be nice, stay silent, and back them despite all their failures and despite having treated us like utter sh*t. This is beyond unacceptable, and frankly, it is the final straw. If we ran Tony Petty out of town, then I have no idea how we haven't ran these mother fvckers out yet. Not only is it long overdue, but our future depends on it. We will go nowhere but down so long as Jason Levien and Stephen Kaplan are the Swansea City owners.
[Post edited 15 Jan 2017 9:54]
We're going to be relegated.
at 18:32 14 Jan 2017

I know the window is not yet over, but as it stands, it looks as though the only players we will bring in are Luciano Narsingh, Martin Olsson, and Tom Carroll. This is utterly and unreservedly not good enough, and frankly, I'm surprised as to how more of our supporters aren't outraged. How Mr. Jenkins thinks that this trio of players will be the solution to our problems is utterly mindboggling. But forget about the possibility that they may help us stay up. I'll say it right now: except for maybe Narsingh, none of these acquisitions will even improve our squad. Olsson and Carroll will hardly, if at all be an upgrade over what we currently have.

It's funny. You'd think with a club like us--with what we've gone through so far, with us in mortal danger of being relegated, and with us having made the beyond costly mistake of having invested nothing in the summer while other teams strengthened relentlessly--would finally wake the fvck up and realize that this January window was the last chance to correct all our wrongs. Instead, there is still the same exact idiocy, incompetence, and complete lack of urgency there was in the summer, and we continue to think that sticking to the usual plan of spending bit part money on bit part players will be the answer.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible. It's mind boggling really.

You've all heard how I feel about Olsson in another thread--as I said before, he's a guy who has yet to prove he is anywhere near good enough at this level and incredibly, he's been relegated 3 times in the 4 seasons he's been a starting left back in the Prem. No player in history has a worse record than that.

But the real puzzling one is Carroll.

Our squad has been SCREAMING for a defensive midfielder since Joe Allen left, but quite remarkably, he has still yet to be replaced. Since Joe left we have been without a midfield enforcer--the engine in the squad that does all the dirty work, acts as the link between the defence and the attack, and otherwise dictates play like a fine court composer. Whether it's Chelsea with Kante, Everton with Gana, West Ham with Kouyate, Spurs with Wanyama, Southampton with Romeu, Bournemouth with Arter, or Watford with Capoue, every decent squad has one whether they're in the top 4, sitting comfortably at midtable, or even lower midtable. The time for a physical, tough tackling, ball intercepting DM has never been more apparent than right now, and yet we've turned to Tom Carroll of all people. The most lightweight, easily shoved off the ball, and paper thin player of them all, one who has never ran a midfield and never will.

Okay, so he's not a DM, and he has alarmingly low tackle, interception, block, aerial duels won, and clearance numbers per appearance. But neither can you call him a creative centre midfielder or playmaker as so many of his defenders somehow have, as in this lad's entire career in League One, the Championship, and the Prem he has had just 5 league assists and 1 league goal to his name, while averaging just 0.6 chances created per game. Then what is he, what does he provide to the team, and what does he offer over Fulton, Ki, Cork and Britton?

Sadly, the answer is nothing. The rest of the football world can see that Tom Carroll is not good enough. I don't know why we can't.

But enough about Carroll. Let's get to the matter at hand. Our Premier League dream is over chaps. But you know what? I'm not even that bothered that Swansea City will no longer be in the top flight and that I will no longer be able to watch them play in the Premier League. What I'm really worried about is the people of this city. In 2013 a study determined that our Premier League status was worth £55.3m to our economy and helped to create or protect 340 jobs, with pretty much every industry and business having reported increased activity since our promotion ( No doubt these figures have risen 4 years on, but as our time in the Premier League comes to a close, the people of Swansea will lose much more than seeing their team in the PL. If there was any shred of decency left in that big nosed cvnt Jenkins, and if he cared an iota about these people, then he should resign immediately. By failing unequivocally to adequately perform his duties as chairman and do what was best for this club in his insatiable pursuit of personal wealth, he has ultimately failed all and everyone of this town as well. And that is what is most devastating.
[Post edited 14 Jan 2017 19:27]
If Martin Olsson is the kind of player we're going to sign...
at 16:15 11 Jan 2017

Then it's even more certain that we're going to go down. If not this season, then the next.

Olsson is a player who has been linked with us in every window since 2014. And every time there was news about our interest in him, I dreaded it. In the 7 seasons he has played in the Premier League he has never proven that he is good enough. It's very telling that no less than 3 TIMES has a club been relegated with him as their starting left back: in the 11/12 season with Blackburn, in the 12/13 season with Norwich, and again with Norwich last season. Currently, he's hardly cutting it in the Championship.

I've been very vocal about my displeasure of seeing Neil Taylor week in and week out in the teamsheet and the need for this to be changed, but Martin Olsson should not be the one to take his place. This is an upgrade in the sense that a piece of shít has had a little sugar sprinkled on it. It's a completely negligible upgrade. Even as unbelievably atrocious as Taylor is, Olsson is hardly better.

The fact that we bought him, and paid £5m no less, is utterly fvcking ridiculous. If this is the kind of player we're going to sign, then it's crystal clear that Huw Jenkins has learned absolutely nothing from his mistakes. Still, we're throwing money at lower league players who aren't good enough at this level, and still, our recruitment is as pathetic as ever.

[Post edited 18 Nov 2017 16:06]
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