| Forum Thread | 13th December 1944 — 27th September 2020 at 11:32 28 Sep 2020
Yesterday at 3:30pm I my lost my dad - my hero and my best mate. The man who helped shape me into what I am today. The man whose opinion I valued above all others and whose approval I constantly craved. The first person I went to in times of trouble and the man who always seemed to know the right way to go about it. Why have I come online to specifically log on to here to share this heartache I feel with people I don't know? I've no idea, but it's been a whirlwind 24hours and as I finally sit here alone with my thoughts, I just wanted fellow jacks to know that one of your own was taken from us. My dad has supported us since the age of 12. He adored The Swans with an unconditional passion that I can't describe, but I know plenty of you will understand. I'm going to miss him so much it hurts. Thank you, goodnight and god bless dad - no more pain. I haven't had a drink and I'm not sitting here with tears streaming down my face, I just felt like having a bit of a ramble, forgive me, it's not intended to depress everyone - just remember every day your mum and dad are on this planet it's a blessing. Cheers everyone. |
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